Humanitarian and Compassionate

Humanitarian and Compassionate

Canada is a compassionate country, and extends compassionate considerations to foreign nationals living in the country. If you are in Canada, you may be eligible to apply to become a permanent resident through the Humanitarian and Compassionate program. Much more known as H&C, the program provides foreign nationals living in Canada or abroad the opportunity to apply for permanent resident if they have exceptional cases. H &C applications are discretionary and considered as exceptions to the Immigration and refugee Protection Act. On a case-by case basis, we help you in assessing if you case qualifies for H&C consideration.


Free Immigration Enquiry

Find out your options for visa by completing a free online assessment.


Darko Immigration Service can help you navigate the complexities of the entire process from our free assessment, profile creation, and applying for Permanent Residence.

Contact Address


Telephone: (647) 784-3339

Address: 1059 Cooper Ave, Milton
ON L9T 5W6